Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hello's and What Not

Hey guys! I'm just your Friendly Neighborhood Spi-- er, blogger? Let's go with blogger. I know most of you who use my screenshots won't bother to read this since it's just an introduction, but I feel that even though it's unnecessary for you to read my intro, it is necessary for me to write one.
I started taking screenshots when I got annoyed with a quest where I had to find an entrance to a tunnel or den or something, and the big WoW guides really did not help at all. In fact, those sites won't post the type of screenshots that would have actually helped me. Luckily I'm part of an awesome guild.
I know some of you have been on WoW much longer than I have, and some may still be fairly new. Point is, we all have those "doh!" moments where something we've made very difficult is actually simple. Once, when my main toon was around level 60, I took a YEAR long break. When I came back, I was in the middle of a quest and was truly baffled as to how I should continue. Never be embarrassed for seeking help, because we all need it sometimes!
I have a life ;) so this will be updated whenever I have the time. I'm also moving some of my screens to this blog from their former home.

So let's play!

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